
Project Planning
Life Science! can lead or provide support for environmental restoration work, including:
- Designing, planning and budgeting for projects
- Recruiting and managing consulting teams for planning
- Developing mitigation plans
- Biological resource management planning
- Building and managing project teams and the public comment process
Environmental Impact Analyses
Life Science! prepares comprehensive, detailed Environmental Impact Reports to meet the stringent requirements of the California Environmental Policy Act as well as Environmental Impact Statements required by the federal National Environmental Policy Act.
Project Permitting
Life Science! specializes in applying for permits for complex projects, particularly those that involve:
- Section 7 Endangered Species Act consultation
- Section 404/10 permits
- Department of Fish and Game Section 1601/1603 agreements
Construction Management
Life Science! is one of the few environmental consulting firms that also manages the construction phases of projects, including:
- Delivering appropriate equipment to construction sites
- Managing construction activities on sites in a way that is sensitive to the environment
- Providing oversight on deadlines, contracts and costs
- Ensuring safety procedures are followed on sites
Project Monitoring
After the project is completed, Life Science! can support short- or long-term monitoring of the performance of the project, including:
- Designing and implementing monitoring plans
- Developing creative ways to share monitoring data with regulatory agencies, funders, partners and constituencies
- Creating update reports for regulatory agencies
- Using monitoring data and adaptive management techniques to assess whether future changes need to be made at the project site
As part of project work, Life Science! provides:
- Wetland identification and delineation
- Terrestrial/wetland biotic inventories and surveys
Life Science offers training in wetland, delineating, permitting and law